
Loves Origins - A Five-Story Collection

Just kidding, it's theatre tickets. Like so many of us, P eventually wises up and becomes a real boy. Two out of five scaries—there's some messed-up stuff, but nothing that most ordinary angsty teens haven't tried. Besides all the sad stuff about the stags abandoning their young after the does give birth, Bambi is also shot in the original book. And he is taught to walk in circles to spread the blood around to confuse the hunters and the dogs tracking him. No one wants to see cartoon blood, so we understand why Disney cut this out.

Oh, and "He" the hunter is shot and killed by another man, and the old Prince makes sure Bambi sees the body to prove that man isn't all-powerful. A comprehensive guide to every Disney and Pixar theory or legend. The Brothers Grimm book paints the evil queen as much more goal-oriented; she straight-up tries to kill Snow White twice before resorting to the poison apple. The Prince, who she eventually marries, takes her away while she's unconscious in a glass coffin creep alert!

At the wedding the evil queen has to wear hot iron shoes and dance until she's dead. Three out of five on the scary scale, for a very troubling relationship. The animated version is certainly one of the darkest films released by Disney, but the book version is even darker. Later, Quasimodo visits Esmeralda's grave and refuses to leave, so he starves to death. Nope, not so much.

Man, Hans Christian Andersen was one creepy dude. For starters, the stakes are higher in his tale: If Ariel fails to convince the prince to fall in love with her during her tenure as a human, she will DIE instead of just turning back into a mermaid like the Disney version. Also, the price Ariel must pay for the privilege of having legs is that every step feels like walking on broken glass. And not the happy-go-lucky Annie Lennox kind of broken glass. The actually walking on broken glass kind.

Well, she can't do it so throws herself into the sea and basically commits suicide.

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But she becomes sea foam so it all works out in the end Disney princesses fall in love with each other in this beautiful Tumblr series. The Brothers Grimm, you guys are sickos. This version has no adorable bird helpers, but instead some seriously messed-up sisters.

Devlin Church

In their overzealousness to fit into the iconic glass slipper and get an in with the Prince, Cinderella's stepsisters resort to self-administered plastic surgery. One cuts off her toes; the other cuts off her heel. When they are forced to end Cinderella's eventual wedding to the Prince, they have their eyes pecked out by birds. Mannix 's story takes the cake for its sheer tragic twists. The eponymous fox is raised by a seemingly nice hunting family and everything is going great—until it's returned to the wild. This is when things get real.

He decides to start taunting the hunting dogs in retaliation, and one of them breaks loose and is hit by a train during the subsequent chase. The fox then DIES from chase-fueled exhaustion, and another dog become so old that he needs to be shot. This one gets a full five, because WTF. The Disney-fied version is hugely responsible for nearly every little girl's dream of being rescued by a prince and finding love at first sight kiss?

Giambattista Basile's original version is hugely responsible for our wanting to call the poor girl a lawyer.

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You see, the king's nope, not a prince here; also, he's got a wife first course of action isn't to kiss the girl awake, though we sorely wish it was. Instead, he has sex with her And it gets even worse: This is gross on every level. The 16 most depressing Disney moments of all time. Disney's version, Tangled , is so cute and innocent that it makes us laugh. The Grimm Brothers' tale is much less so. For starters, Dame Gothel takes Rapunzel as payment for her father's thieving ways. Way to set a great example for your kid. The prince who finds Rapunzel knocks her up upon meeting her, because if the king in Sleeping Beauty can do it, then why can't he?

Obviously Dame Gothel isn't an idiot, and cuts off Rapunzel's hair before banishing her. When the prince comes back for Rapunzel and finds her gone, he takes the most logical course of action and flings himself from the tower.

Analysis of the genre

The fall doesn't kill him darn! You've heard this one time and time again: Come collection day, she dupes him into letting her guess his name in exchange for the child's freedom. She guesses his name and all is well, right? Well, yeah, for the princess and her kid. Rumpelstiltskin, however, quite literally rips his own body in half. That part wasn't in Once Upon a Time , was it?! Last time we checked he was still alive.

Michael Angel's worlds of contemporary fantasy range from the unicorn-ruled world of the Morning Land to the gritty underside of Los Angeles.

Author of the bestselling Centaur of the Crime - where C. He currently resides in Southern California. Alas, despite keeping a keen eye out for griffins, centaurs, or pegasi, none have yet put in an appearance on Hollywood Boulevard. Michael Angel's welcome mat is out at his website, so feel free to visit: Kindle Edition File Size: Banty Hen Publishing 18 July Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers.

Love's Origins - A Five-Story Collection by Devlin Church

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