
Gregs List 1 Lesbians for Sale - Everything Goes! (Lesbian Lust Series)

Yes you are right that we all have sinned but today there such pressure to except gay behavior that it is sickening.

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They want everyone to say thats ok do what you want. When I read your toplcs about david and jonathan how can you say such things. It's like drinking one drink my be fine but if someone else whatches a christian do this, it gives them And excuss to say they are as good as the christian. I tell u we as christians must be careful in all things.

What we say, do,where we spend time,because the world is whatching every move we make. I hear people say its not up to me to say what's right to wrong. But I believe we as christians have a duty to do is,by being examples to the world. I hpoe this does not sound to ignorant. Apr 08, the only way to be saved by: Kat is to confess your sins and repent. The bible is pretty clear on this. It's not just homosexual sex, but also sex out of marriage. I do not judge you, but I do fear you are wrong. Some of us, God simply asks more sacrifice from. Yes, repentance is part of getting saved. But you are not right about homosexuality being a sin.

The verses you use to support that view must be taken out of context to teach what you believe. They are talking about temple prostitutes and temple prostitution, i. You attempt to guilt us into going along with your out of context views by framing it as God asking more of a sacrifice from those of us who are gay. Perhaps you mean well but you are way off base. Have you ever tried putting yourself in our place? For your entire life you must be alone and lonely because that is God's will and He requires more sacrifice of you AND if you don't go along with this, God will send you to hell.

I do not believe you would find that teaching loving or scriptural. And we do not find what you tell us loving or scriptural. I hope you will do more reading and study before trying to put a burden on us as the only way to be saved, that you would NEVER try to live out in your own life. Apr 09, Sodom and Gomorrah by: God spoke about this why did he? It is also correct to see No one is perfect, all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God As individuals at the end of the day, we will be judged on our own walk with God.

No one will be there to vouch for me other than my lord Jesus Christ. No one knows my heart better than Jesus. But lessons were meant also to be learnt from Gods word to us, and we are to take heed to what God is saying to each and everyone of us individually and we must be very careful how we define someone elses walk by making sure we keep an eye on our own. Sure, that is easy because the Bible says precisely why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and it was not because of gays and lesbians.

Please read Ezekiel Remember also that Jesus mentioned Sodom, Matthew As far as saving Lot and his family, they were the only believers in town. The rest of the people worshiped false gods instead of the true God. Hope this is helpful - thanks for stopping by. Apr 11, it is all senseless to me by: It is very true that people have their own interpretation of how they perceive the bible's contents.

But unless you are dumb, deaf, blind or completely obtuse to what you're reading, you can't deny that the bible condemns homosexuality. It is an abomination! But at the same time, so is fornication, adultery, murder, thieves, blasphemers and liars. No sin is greater or lesser than the next. There are some, however, that is unforgivable and that is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. All the sexual sins are detestable to God bcuz it destroys the spirit as well as the body which is the temple of the One that created us.

Especially when it comes to pestilence like bacteria and viruses and protozoan infections that can causes fatal diseases. Which alot of these sexual perversion can bring. At the same time, when Jesus died for these sins that he knew we would fall weak for, it allowed us to be able to be forgiven through repentance of these sins. Meaning, we must turn from these desires by all means necessary through Christ. So being a homosexual is NOT accepted by God and for those that try to tweak the bible for their own condemnation are hidden behind lies and want to force feed ppl those inconsistencies.

If you don't know what the bible REALLY teaches, then either 1 get a bible study with a competent teacher, 2 seek tbe truth through insistent prayer for God's revelation, 3 or continue in your sin and then find out the day of judgment to see how you will be judged.

Just for the record, your comment is senseless to me. Where do you anti-gay people get the idea that if you repeat your anti-gay lies long enough, they will become truth? I insist that you read, memorize and obey 2 Timothy 2: No excuses - just DO it! I edited out your false teaching about hell and judgment. Heresy is a sin of the flesh, Galatians 5: And your false teaching about your gay brothers and lesbian sisters indicates you need to grow up spiritually.

Apr 12, thanks for give me hope by: Anonymous Im 17 and I was taught that homosexuality was wrong my whole life but the sad thing is i am homosexual. At first I tried to ignore it and fit in with everyone else but it wouldn't go away so i would pray that god would take it away. I cried every night and i hated my self. I got so depressed that i tried to end my life so i had to go to two mental health hospitals. I was baptized and i accepted Jesus as my king. I always thought i was going to go to hell so i hated my self. Thank you very much for letting me know that god loves gays too!!!

It's wonderful to know that you trusted Jesus and got saved. I am SO happy for you! There is lots of helpful information at the bottom of the text linked page. Thanks for checking it out. Apr 21, God loves everyone by: Anonymous Lord have mercy on all of us. I ran accross this site looking for comments on how to know I have a true relationship with God, after reading Matt.

God died for the whole world, but the whole world will not be saved. He has given us free will to choose. God loves people regardless of who or what they are. Rest assured there will be gay and staight to whom He will say depart from Me, I never knew you. I can call stealing a necessity to survive, commit adultery because my husband or wife can no longer perform, but in the eyes of God I am willfully sinning. If I make these choices myright, and refuse to repent, then I have allowed these sins to separate me from God.

Perhaps if I looked hard enough I could find rationale for my behavior in the Bible. Concerning Homosexual behavior, it is one's choice to continue or not. There are countless numbers of men and women who after an encounter with Christ, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit have walked away and is living a happy hetersexual life. No Anonymous, you're simply spreading the lies told by Exodus International and those like them. We are not called to Judge people, but rest assured we all will be judged By God Almighty.

I would not risk living as an adulterer, with the Bible so plainly calling it an abomination 1 Cor 6: I pray for Holy Spirit to open blinded eyes, and touch hardened hearts. Time to get a clue kiddo. Being too lazy to study and too ignorant to know what you're talking about are NOT fruits of the Spirit.

Apr 21, God hates No One!!! Curtis S God loves us all so much that so many so called Christuans don't even understand. He sent Jesus because He Knew what was to take place on Earth. I've studied this Topic well because I'm tired of hearing this nonsense. First God doesn't say nothing about this topic, nor does Jesus. In the Old Testament God prophosized through people. As we know today people are considered to be Prophets and reveal Gods words.

How do we know these prophecies to be true? Elders of the Church were speaking on what they believed to be True. In the New Testament Jesus, takes all of our sins with him and were under new covenant, Paul was writing letters to the Church of The Corinthians expressing his his wishes for the Church. God nor Jesus says I hate Gays.

But ignorance is a sin. Evertime a man looks at a woman in lust it is a sin. I am Gay, but I'm celibate have been for over ten years, repented and focused on God not sex. When a Haterosexual, tells me I'm going to hell I laugh and say and If that's so I will see you there. Why are you even worried about me.

Take care of the sins you commit each day. Speck my eye while you walk around with eyes full of gunk and sin. You haven't even repented but yet you an tell me how God loves me or hates me. The truth is he's hating your behavior as the devil keeps you busy judging you will miss your own salvation. Who's going to Heaven ME!!!! Apr 22, So so sad by: HennyLopez So irresponsible that you would preach this.

Yes God forgives yo if you repent. But not if you repent and continue sinning. The reason he forgave you is because you did not know him so you did not know it was wrong. Once you repented you knew it was wrong but continue sinning so that is sinning. Had you repented and turned your life around you could be saved. My pastor has actually admitted to engaging in homosexual acts but has repented, know it was wrong and is living his life the correct way. It is clear that you have no understanding of Biblical repentance. I encourage you to do more reading and study before you condemn people you do not know for a doctrinal position you do not understand.

Also, please read and study justification by faith so that you understand that basic Bible doctrine. Apr 24, Repent! Anonymous You cannot live a homosexual life and expect to go to heaven after you are die. Being a christian is not about what "YOU" want. It's about putting your past things behind and aligning yourself to the teachings of Jesus. If you're really a servant of God you will do what he says not what the world says is or isn't ok. Please repent from your sins! You are ignorant AND mean-spirited. How long will you be without understanding? Apr 24, thank you by: Anonymous i know this is kind of weird but i thought he hated gays but now i feel comfirmed in church.

Apr 24, God mad man and then He took a rib from Adam and made a woman for him by: Anonymous this pretty much says it all. Please,stop twisting the WORD to make yourselves feel better about the sinful way your living,REPENT and ask God to forgive your sins and mean it with all your heart and never sin again and receive the gift of salvation and be able to spend eternity in Heaven.

A lot of gays have repented and trusted Jesus Christ as Savior. Your ignorant accusation, that we are twisting the word, indicates you rarely use your mind to think. Marriage does not have to be like Adam and Eve to be blessed by God. Are you aware that God blessed polygamous marriages in the Bible? Prayerfully read and study Deuteronomy Apr 25, on the subject of adam and eve by: If you were not talking about marriage, what is the point of your comment? The point that i was making was that God made man for woman and woman for man.

Your opinion was crystal clear but still in error. Without knowing what it is called, you were pushing the absolute complementarian view of Adam and Eve. Again, a crystal clear opinion yet your view is not supported by what the Bible says in context.

Her best Xmas present!!!

I will rest now and pray for all sinners including myself to be able to understand fully Gods word and apply it to our lives as He would have us do. If you'll do more exploration and reading of this website, you will discover that I've already dealt at some depth with the verses you reference. Apr 25, one more time mr rick by: He says repent and go and sin no more. That is what we as Christians are to do.

I think that you will go against anyone who speaks the truth as it is suppose to be. The point of my comments is SIN! One of my life verses is 2 Timothy 2: One more time mr.


Odd that you do not know us and yet you accuse us of sin. No problem because your small-minded opinion isn't important. We walk in the Spirit, Galatians 5: Apr 25, Gods help by: Anonymous i can pray that one day you will see your sins and truely repent and ask Jesus Christ to live in your heart and be your own personal Saviour. Turn away from the sin of homosexuality and your other sins and be a child of Gods. You are an idiot and a bigot. Par for the course. And I do know them i have studied the Word of God with the likes of Mr william Graham,i went to seminary to become a paster which i did,i spent seven years studying theology and then went m to teach, in one way or another i have studied Gods word for most of my life and i am now at the ripe age of I am saved Mr.

Adams and am washed in the blood of the Lamb and filled with the Holy Ghost. It sounds like you have never studied them either. Apr 26, right or wrong by: Can you read with comprehension?

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Can you evaluate historical facts? Do you believe lazy professing Christians who do not study the Bible yet who condemn their gay brothers and lesbian sisters by ripping verses out of context, should be respected? What is with you mam? Apr 26, answers by: This website is my answer.

There are hundreds of pages of detailed and carefully sourced factual information if you're willing to read it. Apr 28, it is very wrong by: Anonymous what does God say about us straight men that are very seriously looking to meet a good woman today, especially that many women today are gay?

To help you find a Godly woman, I encourage you to join a local Bible preaching church where you may meet the right lady. I also encourage you to try a dating website like eHarmony. Their process seems to be very much in depth so that you have a good possibility of finding someone who matches your beliefs and values and approach to life. I know how difficult it is to struggle with loneliness and can't help but believe that God has someone for you. Raeven In my opinion, Christians are suppose to follow the 10 Commandments since that's what God directly handed to the Israelites to follow in order to stay in the land of milk and honey.

And no where in those 10 commandments does it state that Homosexuality is wrong. Interesting view yet we are not Israelites living in the land of Israel under the law of Moses. According to the New Testament, we are not under the law. Christians are "delivered from the law. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. For Christians, the Law is "that which is done away. For Christians, the Law is "that which is abolished.

For Christians, Jesus on the Cross, was "blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us. For Christians, the Law is taken "out of the way" and nailed "to his cross. And what is obsolete out of use and annulled because of age is ripe for disappearance and to be dispensed with altogether. Thus he put an end to the first in order to establish the second. Anonymous What I find interesting is the watered down gospel being spread to make the things that God says fit their own agenda.

It is not pleasing to God and if the truth is not told, you will perish. If people cannot separate the sin from the person, that would be the initial problem. If you choose not to believe in the literal word of God, you do this at your own perril. Gods word is not open to human interpretation. Yours is no worse than mine. The difference is I choose to abandon my sinful life and live for God, not myself.

You however, choose to continue in your sin. Therein lies the difference. You have allowed yourself to be ruled by your sin so your sin justifies your behavior. I do NOT hate homosexuals. I hate their sin.. I will never tollerate nor accept this behavior but I will love you because you are God's creation. If you think that homosexuality defines who you are, you are wrong! I am not my sexuality. I do not define who I am by proclaiming to be heterosexual. I define myself as a child of the Most High.

Made for His purpose not my own. If you remain and die in your sin, you will be lost. Lastly, the bible is the literal word of God and not subject to interpretation by man. Another commenter who lacks courage to put your real name with your comment. If you bothered to read a bit more on this website, you would discover we are conservative Christians who believe the Bible even more strongly than you.

Your concluding sentence baffles me so I'll just smile and leave it at that. May 02, Let me shed some light by: Steve True Christian Let me shed some light. First off, you are saved through grace in faith, not through works. Whether you sin or not your works does not determine whether you will be saved. God chooses you, you don't choose God. With this being said, how can you condemn anyone!?

Therefore when sin occurs, it is not you who is committing that sin, but rather your flesh. You are freed from the burden of sin. Jesus Christ abolished the Law. It is okay to break the Law in order to glorify God through faith, through love. I believe you need to rethink this part of your belief system Steve. My page on Moses Law will be helpful in the re-thinking process.

You cannot be righteous through the Law, but only through faith that God died so that you may live. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Those who do not believe are already condemned so those who live under the Law are already dead. I'm sure many reading are screaming, Blasphemy! And burning up inside. Do you not recall the Pharisees behavior, the dedicated followers of the Law- when Jesus spoke? Glory to God and Peace on Earth. I love you all, and pray that you may see the truth. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. Here is the truth about Lev Goat demons and pagan worship.

May 12, No scriptural backing by: Whitney Although to prove your point that Gods unconditional love covers us you cannot back it up in scripture? However the Romans passage and others prove to disapprove your choice in lifestyle, this is according to the bible. Look toward nature, see that creation proves that the differing of sexes is in Gods design, his first commandment to us was to be fruitful and multiple!

God created us in his own image so marriage is apart of design as well, because together as man and woman we fulfill the total image of God, where as two men of two woman cannot. God laid the blueprint down for us to follow in the path and his grace helps us along the way, but to change and pervert the natural order Gods blueprint , to be so bold in action to refuse it, well, I believe is the territory of refusing God himself. This website backs it up in scripture with over pages of in context, fact based, historically accurate information.

Why do you love to ignore all of that? May 13, I have looked but saw nothing by: Whitney You have accused others in going out of context when you yourselfs have taken out of context to justify your lifestyle. So your passages have proved only that you are not only perverting the word of God, your liars. I do believe that everyone with a repentant heart is saved by the grace of God. Making false accusations, as you have done, indicates you are angry and dishonest.

Think about it for a few minutes. You have never read the Bible from cover to cover. You have never studied this issue.

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You have no idea what you are talking about. Yet from your vantage point of ignorance you accuse us of being liars and taking scripture out of context. May 15, Are you afraid of truth? Whitney As yet you have not posted my previous comment which leads me to believe I must have said something you did not want your audience to read please explaine or do me the respect of at least posting my comment thankyou.

No Whitney, I love truth. Like so many anti-gay christians however, you keep repeating the same silly false accusations. You have nothing to add which might indicate you have studied these issues. May 17, I am sorry friend by: Anonymous 2 I am sorry to say, that God has a LOT to say on Gay marraige and unions, and that He is very clear on the fact that homosexuality is wrong.

Homosexuality is a sin, and we ALL have sinned. The Bible also says that some people have more difficulty with certain sins and others, and homosexuality is one of those things. That is why we need the blood of Jesus and the guidance of the Holy spirit, to resist the temptation of sin. Now our God is a loving God, whom loves us regardless of what we do.

That's why he sent his Son, Jesus, to save us and make us innocent before the Father by His blood, and if we repent and strive to be like Jesus, whom is without sin. Bible says many times in BOTH covenants that homosexuality is a sin. God knows ourt hearts, and AMD if yu really strive to resist homosexuality God will help you. The Bible is clear, so why distort it to fulfill your desires?

Forget, the Bible also says that we are all sinners, and as followers of Christ we are to love ALL people, whatever condition they are in. But that is not an excuse for you to violate Gods law and say that its alright? That is the problem. We are saved by the blood of the Lamb. You are so wrong when you say the Bible says being gay is a sin.

I would have more respect for your views IF you took time to study the Bible before making your false assertions about us. May 17, Part 2 by: Anonymous 2 And about the whole, God made us this way thing, true, He did. He made us more supseptibal to somelsins more than others, and homosexuality is a sin.

Fight the urge, and you will please your Father. Besides, there is no scientific evidence that claims that there is a "gay" gene, and until there is, any claims saying you are born gay are refuted you may say. Stuff a sock in it - you are boring me. May 18, made in God's image but carrying a sinful nature by: I used to wonder why God made me this way. But I finally realized that the parts of me that are God's image deal with my physical traits, talents, capacity to love, soul, among other things that are not sinful.

But at the same time I've inherited traits that go back to the fall of man that contribute to my sinful makeup. So it's not entirely wrong for people to think, ''I'm born this way''. It's just wrong to say God made me this way when referring to our particular sinful proclivities. So after many years of self pity for feeling like God set me up for failure as a gay guy I realized he did not--that my sin could just as easily been related to some other kind of addiction or I could've been a heterosexual sex addict.

All would have been sinful lifestyles and in all cases I would still need to turn from the wrong way of doing and turn to Christ and his righteousness. So now I am a born again Christian who still has homosexual proclivities but I'm putting my trust in the one who created something from nothing, who parts the red sea, who raises the dead--you get the idea. I'm putting my hope in the fact that he will give me complete victory over all of my weaknesses and will help me in his own way in his own time.

I cannot justify gay lifestyles or gay marriages, or pornography, or the way most heterosexuals shack up together and see nothing wrong with it. The end result of doing things our way and not God's way will lead to misery and death. I thank God for saving me. I don't have all the answers, but I believe his word is true and he loves us and will give us strength to overcome our weaknesses and addictions.

Don't let secular psychologists and Hollywood tell you it's ok to be gay and to have sex outside marriage. The world as a whole is going to hell. We who repent and trust Jesus have hope. I pray for all of you who read this and are struggling with something. Love in Christ, Bradley Rick's comment: It is important to base what you believe on what the Bible says in context. You do NOT need to parrot the anti-gay view. It will only damage your spiritual life. It is vitally important to know for sure you are saved. Once you know you are saved, it helps to understand what happened when you got saved.

Once you understand what happened when you got saved, it helps to understand that you have eternal security. May 22, gay marriage by: Anonymous what does the bible say about gay marriage read the bible. May 24, homosexuality biological by: Richard I've have been a Christian pretty all my life and I have been taught all homosexuals hell. But that was before I realized homosexuality is biological! Most Christians don't know but other species can be gay.

I also know through experience that homosexuality is not a choice. Anyways I was in a relationship with her about 8 months and she kept trying to take on the male role in the relationship. Eventually it got to the point where she said "I have the pants in the relationship.

I broke with her the next day. She always tried to play herself as a homophobe, but I always suspected she was homosexual. And so I looked her up today on Facebook today and seen she married a woman. The point is I knew she was homosexual before she did and that showed me she is homosexual through biology not choice. May 25, STOP!

As long they don't have relations try can be together. I realize its a part of being in a committed relationship but if you want to follow the lords will, then do not engage in homosexual sex. And don't come a with the comment 'but it also says do not eat pork or shellfish! Sexual intercourse is a lot bigger deal then food we eat. Besides, historians have shown one reason God may have outlawed certain foods was because these animals may have been carrying viruses that the human immune system hasn't built up defenses for. But gay sex, well AIDS for one is an issue, not a myth, a truth.

God loves all, and you will still go to heaven even if your having sex with partner of the same sex on the day you die. But he wishes that you attempt at selebacy. May 28, Your missing it by: Anonymous God hates sin not people, But you are very wrong if you think you can live in the sin of homosexuality and your all good with God, Thats like me liveing with a girl out of marriage and having sex with her and thinking well God is love he cannont be against me.

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Lesbea - Plump redhead virgin fucked. Lesbea - Young girl slips tongue inside teen. Sometimes I had not completed the post but had already chosen graphics, which I included below. Please feel free to comment if you feel one of these ideas was unjustly canned. OMG I totally think my upstairs neighbors are "riding the hobby horse, " like I seriously think I just heard her have an orgasm. It's kind of turning me on, even though they are probably gross, because let's face it, most people are.

I know so many people. Just look at my myspace profile, I have like, a bazillion friends. So I am going to begin a series of poems for all the Laurens and Rachels I have ever known. You can guess who they are based on the poems. If you are one of them, watch out! I have counted thus far 14 Rachels and 20 Laurens, as well as 8 famous Laurens and 2. Today you didn't even have towels. Yesterday as I was taking my ice-cold shower at your overpacked club, I realized that my frostbitten patience is far past expired. Once in July, I went to the gym at [redacted] for a lunch-time workout and a recluse from the stifling heat outside, only to find that your air conditioning was broken on the cardio floor!

A month ago, I arrived for my workout to discover that the water was broken, I mean "being fixed. You're supposed to help us get in shape, not get in our way! At least hand out free water bottles--it's truly inane that we were forced to spend MORE money buying water bottles because you didn't have any free water. The women who work in the locker room are bitches 3. Is is true that Jordan Catalano is dating Lindsay Lohan? Why is Joey dating Tom Cruise?

She's just a nice girl from the creek. I mean, she shops at American Eagle. What do all these images have in common? Moments when I was blissfully unaware that my fate had been sealed--divorce, death, rejection from my number one college ok, I'm not saying all of these events are equivalent in severity , and getting Capital-D-Dumped. So I look at those images especially the one of me in my little red bikini OW! A Quiz for Readers. A It's Saturday morning and I've just come into your room to wake you up. Having my peanut butter toast! I packed last night. I don't think I've ever been up for a Saturday morning?

When in doubt—go with black. The costume of the day! In lieu of that Which I already am. The more sparkle, shine and cleavage the better! Seven Jeans, boots, tank top, blazer—classic sexy smart girl. Or a sailor suit with red fishnets. When in doubt—go with a wifebeater. An Open Letter to Ambitious Hecklers. I know exactly how much ice cream is on my Tasti-D-Lite cone.

I think it's fabulous that you have keen vision and are therefore able to observe the size of my cone and comment on it from your vantage point on the sidewalk as I walk past you, rather hurried. But I don't think you need me to tell you that, just as I didn't need you to tell me what my ice cream cone reminds you of. If you were my boyfriend, that might count as "foreplay," and be kinda sexy. But you are a stranger!

That's called "being an annoying douchebag for no apparent reason. That's why I have my ipod on. I am listening to Ira Glass. Ira Glass would never say those things to me on the street. You cannot have a bite of my ice cream. I'm not sure if you know this--let's be honest--obviously you don't! Because it tastes good. I chose to eat it on a cone because that is easier to do because it only requires one hand while walking. I'm not the first woman to complain about this. At least ten million women have complained about it, and many have done so on their blogs, which I doubt douchebags like you even read.

Yet you continue to pursue such fruitless avenues of communication. I seek to help you. It is hard enough for me to approach someone in a bar or club where people have come, allegedly to meet other humans--I mean, I truly cannot conceive of what exactly you gain from this situation. If you are looking for a date, I can suggest a few places to meet other women. As a woman who has loved, dated, and been intimate my fair share of menmy desire to eat my ice cream cone myself is not related to any antagonism towards the gender and really what is gender anyhow, but that's a whole new discussion but really just frustration at YOU, specifically.

Luckily, on average, men still make more money than women and so there are many ladies who have sought to equalize this equation by providing the services you desire at a financial cost. Also, I would encourage you to only patronize those services which do not engage in sex trafficking and treat their employees well.

Don't act like you can't figure out what those places are. Furthermore, if this is not an option, I would like to suggest your girlfriend or wife. I am sure they would like to be told how beautiful they are when you come home, as opposed to me, I don't really care if you think i am beautiful or not.

When I am wearing a XXL Interlochen sweatshirt with Ramen stains on it dating back to , a baseball hat, yoga pants ass totally covered by aforementioned sweatshirt , I am really going to doubt your judgment altogether. I think it is fabulous that you realize how beautiful it is for two women to be intimate with one another!

However, againif I was holding hands with a man, I don't think you'd tell us how beautiful we are, would you? If I am a woman out with another woman, we're actually NOT here for your entertainment. Shut the fuck up, or I'll get some beefy bulldyke to come kick you in the face and remove your dick with a monkey wrench. Posted by riese at 5: Monday, January 22, Sunday Top Life Lessons From the Lew-Man. I was very excited to have Peter and "helnad"! And Lewis, you too. I'm practically a baby, so you may be wondering why I'm writing on Life Lessons although you're actually probably wondering why my older sister isn't writing on Life Lessons--not because she's been Alive Longer, but because this is her blog.

As to the former: I may have the facial hair of an awkward 7th grader, but I also have many qualities generally associated with being grown-up: So it's not how old you are, but how old you feel--and I feel like getting the early bird special. As for the latter--I'm not sure why Marie can't write this week but if I had to guess I would guess: Riese Side Note 1: Pleasurable in the short term though ultimately unhealthy, addictive though you know it's not redeeming, etc.

Mediterranean restaurants are BYOB. I used to have a vegetarian girlfriend Marie's side note: Who was this girl? That should really be an item of it's own: Not only do they have a variety of vegetarian options but typically the owners have accepted Mohammad as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Adam, Abraham, and the other hard-drinking prophets we studied in Hebrew School.

I was elected to head up my senior design project: We inherited a carbon fiber hull, solar panels, and marine grade batteries from the year before. As opposed to like, canine batteries? Why is my brother doing things that involve solar panels and I'm writing jokes about lesbian TV shows? Lewis used them to build things.

I used them to produce stop-motion animation movies with esque plots but with pirates and astronauts instead of teenagers when Lewis wouldn't be in my movies anymore 'cause I always made him wear ridiculous costumes and lip sync to songs he didn't know. We had good people on our team, but we also had all the worst people on our team, and basically our project was done before we even started.

The boat never made it to the competition and only made it to the water once and then the whole Tulane Engineering department was eliminated. Logic dictates that the blame for this mishap should be directed at the top, but I would like to reflect that blame back down to the bottom, perhaps with a solar panel, to all the students with: They knew we were gonna get an "A" no matter what, I couldn't kick them off the project, and today these people design your oil pipelines, nuclear power plants and missile defense systems.

So now they aren't just MY problem anymore. Sunshine Special I just found out about this sandwich 8 months ago and since then I've consumed about of 'em--some brilliant chef came up with the idea to cram french fries, scrambled eggs, grilled peppers, cheese, sausage and house sauce into a 12' loaf of french bread. Slurp it down with a 99 cent can of iced tea and I don't think people in But you've had some rough weather yourself, y'know? I keep telling my friends from home that down south we have all those things Ann Arbor has colleges, businesses, coffee shops but without the periodic need to "layer up.

I just did a load of laundry and had to wash several pairs of shorts. Sure, it's hotter than hell during the summer but unlike up north, everyone here has AC. We keep ours at a brisk 64 degrees. It's like walking into a pool. Hurricanes Blow But More Importantly: I had this idea that it was just a lot of wind? Before we left, I actually moved stuff from near the window to the floor so nothing would get knocked over. Katrina took me totally by surprise. It was the third time we've been evacuated since we started school, and for Hurricane Ivan my friend and I just sat it out.

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If I'd known Katrina was coming I would have brought more stuff with me when we left. I really can't complain; I was at my friend's country club in Atlanta drinking beer during the worst of it. But it wasn't the wind itself that made it so catastrophic for the rest of the city and it wasn't seasonal rain. It was because the levees broke and everything flooded.

Everyone has a story--"I evacuated with only suntan lotion and a wifebeater! I'm a drainage engineer so I know that we have enough pumping capacity to take care of seasonal rains, so that's not really necessary. We don't need to stand under a parking structure with our dogs and medications, we need proper Levees. When you eat spicy food your mouth burns, this causes pain, nerves run a chain reaction to your brain, endorphins shoot back down to your central nervous system.

Endorphins are those sexy little pleasure chems that reward your taste for cayenne with a pint-sized rush: This fact, coupled with the availability of spicy foods and local hot sauces, has changed my life. It's like sex without the uncontrollable weeping. Actually sometimes it's exactly like sex. Okay, so I've published a lot of sex-related writing, used to work at nerve. Business School is more fun than engineering school, and well paying! I worked my ass off trying to snag an engineering degree, and then in my final semester I decided to take a few finance, management and marketing classes.