
The Newfoundland Tongue

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In fact, almost every Newfoundlander of a certain vintage can remember when heading to the docks to collect cod tongues was a "job" for kids - a way to make some pocket money for the Saturday matinees or simply to feed the family. But with the collapse of the Eastern cod fishery, cod tongues are no longer considered discards. Walk down Water Street in St. At the Fairmont, executive chef Roary MacPherson delivers the mother of all dishes: At his cooking school in a historic house just outside downtown St.

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John's, chef Bob Arniel provides a quick lesson in cooking the cod's tongue: He serves the tongues on a pretty plate garnished with a nasturtium blossom from his garden, with a tiny dish of golden nasturtium-infused aioli on the side. This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff.

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Why Are There Black Spots On My Newfoundland’s Tongue?

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Newfoundland Tongue!!

I think they have to go through some kind of ceremony to get the spots, maybe Rye is just waiting for that. While looking for the solution on Google, I landed on this page and I am happy that I have found your blog. I have come to know that these spots are harmless. Your article has given me more to think about these black spots. My vet is not worried at all and I have noticed that dog has no pain or any negative sign after those spots have appeared on his tongue.

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I am hoping that everything will go smoothly and these spots do not hurt my dog. Thanks for helpful information!. I did not know why my boy has the black spots until found out this post. Are this black spots, specific to this breed only?

Why Are There Black Spots On My Newfoundland's Tongue? - www.newyorkethnicfood.com

It awakened words and expressions I had long forgotten. Some I knew with variations in meaning. I have included words here that I hope will be added to future editions of our Dictionary of Newfoundland English.

Though some words and expressions are no longer spoken, they have lived on our tongues; we may hold them and the people who spoke them in memory. Search Flanker Press Filter.

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