

Rephaim | The amazing name Rephaim: meaning and etymology

Their huge stature would contribute to their military prowess. Furthermore, the biblical eponym Rapha h can be considered as an undeified god Rpu , more in keeping with biblical thought. The Hebrew and Phoenician use of Rephaim as "shade, spirit," however, remains problematic. Various attempts have been made to discover an underlying etymology which would account for the development.

The presence of an eponym in both Hebrew and Ugaritic, however, suggests that the ancients were unaware of the connection between Rephaim and any verbal root. Ginsberg, Legend of Keret , 23, 41; J. PEQ , 81 , —39; 84 , 39—41; A. ZAW , 77 , 82—83; J.

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Ugarit Forschungen , 1 ; H. Margulies Margalit , in: JBL , 89 , —; D. Ugarit Forschungen , 15 , —40; K. BiOr, 48 , 40—66; H. Rouillard, DDD , —; M. Download our mobile app for on-the-go access to the Jewish Virtual Library. Academies in Babylonia and Erez Israel. The Administration of Judaea. The Age of the Patriarchs.

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Encyclopedia Judaica: Rephaim

Ben Sira, Alphabet of. Judges of the Bet Din. The Birth and Evolution of Judaism. Rulers of the Ancient Middle East. Chronicles of the Kings of Israel. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Egypt and the Wanderings. Hannah and her Seven Sons. Jewish Links to the Holy Land. Jews of the Middle East. The Land of the Hebrews. Leather Industry and Trade. Laws Affecting Jews CE. This theory would be in accordance with the passage from Deuteronomy 9 above, where God says its not because of Israel's righteousness He is giving them the land.

Instead, it was due to the wickedness of its current inhabitants, which God saw necessary to eliminate. Critics of the Bible have often pointed to the Old Testament God as being a God of wrath, jealousy, murder, and genocide. His treatment of the Canaanites has been a source of controversy over the years amongst scholars.

Yet, if in fact the Nephilim, or their descendants, were still living in Canaan , their influence would have been dominating, and their wickedness from the days of Noah continued, though on a much smaller scale. When one considers the worldwide wickedness perpetrated by the Genesis Nephilim, it is not hard to fathom a similar control exerted over the "human" inhabitants of Canaan.

Rather on a worldwide scale, perhaps Satan sought to slip under God's radar by limiting his evil influence to the land of Canaan. The wickedness soon spread to the entire region, thus God's necessity in destroying all Canaanites, lest some more Nephilim slip through the cracks. This, of course, raises the question as to how they escaped God's wrath initially. Refer to Schembrie's theory as one possible explanation. Regardless, God's treatment of the Canaanites was justified by their atrocious wickedness, and their willingness to follow after the Nephilim's descendants.

A passage from the second chapter of Deuteronomy seems to confuse the Rephaim's identity. With close examination, however, it may shed some light on their identity. Like the Anakim, they are regarded as Rephaim, but the Moabites call them Emim.

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At first glance it would seem these beings, along with the Anakim and Emim, were different appellations for the same group of people. They were all "regarded" as Rephaim.

Rephaim meaning

Though these groups were indeed very closely related, they were different factions of descendants from the Nephilim. This verse, then, seems to muddy the already muddied waters. One must look at the Hebrew word translated "regarded". The Hebrew word is "Chashab". According to Spiro Zodhiates, this word is used times in the Old Testament. Chashab literally means to count, to count for, to impute, to esteem, to reckon. The fundamental idea of Chashab is that of "using the mind in the activity of thinking".

  • Rephaim Definition and Meaning - Bible Dictionary!
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  • With this interpretation, then, these three groups were not meant to be figured as the same group of people. Rather, the Israelites thought of these people along the same lines as they did the Anakim and the Emim. They were a mighty people of great size. The Emim are said to have been a tribe of the Rephaim. By the time of the conquest, these people had nearly vanished from Canaan.

    Their demise can be gleamed from Deuteronomy 3: Behold, his bedstead was an iron bedstead; it is in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon. Its length was nine cubits and its width four cubits by ordinary cubit. Og, king of Bashon, was said to have been the last of the Rephaim. Og is an extremely interesting person in the Old Testament. Og and Sihon, king of Gilead, were feared warriors and monarchs prior to the Israelite's entrance into Canaan. Scripture describes Og as a giant. His bed was over 14 feet long, and over 6 feet wide!

    The Great Inception: Amorites, Rephaim, and the Seed of the Serpent

    Not only that, it was made of iron. Iron was no doubt needed to support such a large body, which most certainly weighed hundreds of pounds. Nephilim giants such as Og, according to some scholars, may have been numerous at this time in the history of Palestine. Though Sihon is not said to have been a giant in Scripture, he was most certainly associated with these people. Rabbinnic literature states Og and Sihon were brothers. Sihon was the mightiest of the two, and the Midrash states he was the equivalent of Og in bravery and stature.

    These ancient rabbis also listed Og and Sihon as grandsons of Shamhazai. Shamhazai was believed to have been one of the original fallen angles responsible for the Nephilim in Genesis. These ancient documents also associate Sihon as the king of Arad, described as "the Canaanite" in Numbers Sihon was called "the Canaanite" because he was the overlord of all the land. Many kingdoms throughout Canaan paid him tribute. His capital lay in Trans-jordan, yet, he possessed many territories and vassals in Canaan.

    This is astounding evidence that the Nephilim were still dominant, and exerting a mighty influence upon the land of Canaan. Sihon was the overlord over all the land of Canaan. Og and Sihon were eventually defeated by the Israelites, yet, the Nephilim influence remained in the land. Whether this tribe, and other similar tribes, were descendants of the Nephilim are not is open for interpretation.

    The return of the Nephilim to Canaan seem to have taken place centuries before the conquest! However, one cannot deny the wickedness associated with these people. Their names indicate such. Emim translates as "the fearful ones".