
Just Behind the Door: Communicating With Our Loved Ones Who Have Passed On

On August 30th, my ex husband; the father of my only child…our 20 year old son; passed away unexpectedly. We vacationed together, I was his friend, his mother, his sister, his guide, his teacher, his repremander….. I was his constant. He struggled with cocaine and alcohol his entire life; and had many childhood deamons he could not free himself of.

He was found on his couch; possible from an enlarged heart of drug overdose at The reason I am writing and seeking answers…. In recent months he called daily worried about our son…. My ex husband was so worried about him. He had written a letter some years ago that we found when cleaning his home out…. ALso, he was in FL we were in MA so their father son relationship was strained and our son felt a snese of loss and abandonment for years. When were were sitting in his house the night we flew back home…randomly this cock roach just landed on my sons neck.

That would be a typical jokester thing my ex would hav found humerous. And then today; while talking to a dear friend over his loss and my sons struggles; this RED…. I took a picture and he flew off……only to return and circle us. Maybe because I am so desperate to communicate with him; but do you think these are signs he is present; I hear things we would not think to look for are symbolic to a passed ones presence? When can I try to communicate with him and is it possible for him to guide or watch over our son??????????????? They can give us signs through pictures in the form of orbs, streaking lights, spirit essence and our favorite sign from Billy, heart shaped images, mostly of the moon which are really amazing.

We have a website http: You mentioned the double rainbow. They want us to know they made it. I have been to a medium also and have found it to not only be comforting, but reliably accurate. My stepdad and I had a rocky relationship. He loved me dearly and I loved him for loving my mom so much, we just had different viewpoints on my life and how I should live it. He was diagnosed with an acute form of Leukemia last December, and spent the majority of his time left on earth in hospitals. On July 3 of last year, my Mom called me and told me he was in really bad shape, and if possible I should go see him the next day.

When we got off the phone, a group of about ten butterflies began circling me in the driveway where I was standing, all different sizes and colors. When I went up to the hospital the next day, my mom, stepbrother, and I made the decision to ask my stepdad if he wanted to keep fighting or go into hospice. He opted for hospice. Everyday that he was in hospice care, I saw butterflies in my driveway when I would get home from visiting him. Ten days after entering hospice, he died.

I was alone with him when he passed, he just fell asleep for a nap and never woke up. I was holding his hand, and had nodded off myself for about 15 minutes and when I opened my eyes he was gone. I was feeling very overwhelmed and started crying. I heard this voice in my head tell me to stop my crying and be strong for my mom.

Since July, I have seen a rainbow almost once a week. I saw butterflies all over the summer. I never felt that close to my stepdad, I respected him and I loved him, but I was not the favorite child in the family, I am somewhat of the black sheep of our family. Why am I getting the butterflies and rainbows and not my mom or my son, who was very close to my stepdad. Most of the time I felt like the only reason my stepdad ever talked to me was because of how close he was to my son, who is now 9. Why am I getting these rainbows and butterflies? Hi, I just wanted to share a story about my uncle that passed away a year ago.

I was very close to him, he was probably my best friend and I am still finding it very hard to let go, his anniversary was the 23rd of November this year. Well, he died around 1: Me and my family continued to search the waters and coasts everyday around the area he went down, hoping to at least bring him home and on April 3rd we did, and it was all I could have asked for. His anniversary as I said before was just a few days ago and the strangest stuff has been happening. My uncle steven and papa have been fighting none stop ever since my uncle chet died.

Thats all that was said though and then the call was over, there was no evidence in my uncles phone of the call ever even being there but he was so shocked that when he called my papa to tell him about what had just happened, he was crying and couldnt talk for almost 30 minutes, they just sat there silent untill he finally spit it out. Safe to say my uncle steven apoligized and he now thinks differently of the after life, and so do I.

Regarding the post above about letting our loved ones go and not holding on thereby holding them back from moving to their next stage of development out of guilt…. I gave my fiance permission to leave and he chose to stay. The next stage of development may not necessarily be somewhere away from you.

Loved ones are not up or off somewhere they are beside us — true they are busy sometimes, but so are we, and so were they when they were in the physical plane. Plus there is no time there — fifty years here could be fifty seconds there, so it cannot be measured in that way. Simply saying let your loved one go most likely help the person. In my humble advice — if the bereaved are having trouble living with their loved one beside them in spirit, a loving gesture for themselves would be to find the appropriate support. I always look forward to reading them every time you post something new!

I began sending loving energy to him and asked him to send me a sign so that I would know he was around — several hours later while watching t. I also asked for a sign again last night regarding the electricity, and not long afterwards I turned on the light switch and the bulb blew without warning.

My question is, would it be harmful for him in any way if we sent each other messages, say, every once and a while just to say hi? Do spirits just hang around for a while to communicate and then leave forever? Thanks so much, -Katie. My mom passed back in September. How long does it take them to cross over and able to communicate? I have had several dreams about her, but nothing else. Sue, I had communication almost immediately with my father. Also, they send signs in so many great ways — i. I look for things everyday! My husband, Jeff died at 54 years.

We have a lot of unfinished business, and four young children. We had a very difficult life and moved to Australia from the US two years ago to make things better. We had nothing but bad luck instead. We were together for almost 20 years. I have been researching about how to connect with him. A few days after he died, I experienced a divine white light and energy that I cannot explain in words, for about a day and a half on and off , and then this feeling returned a few weeks later for about 30 seconds. Yesterday, I was going through his old mail, as we were oceans apart at the beginning of the relationship,and he used to write to me.

I opened up a letter with beautiful artwork one of his many talents. As I opened this, the air pressure changed next to my left ear and I heard a high pitch sound. This lasted maybe 10 seconds, and then I read the top of the page. At that moment I knew it was him confirming his love for me. I had a really good day. I need him in my life and will work on this communication that he is able to develop with me.

Life was too hard for us, but we have always had an extremely strong bond. Could we ever have a chance of living our next lives together? I am waiting to join with him again and need him to be there for me when that day comes. Then the 2 of you can decide if you want to come back together again. He would have to be, in order for those things you described to have happened. Therefore, you can talk to him right now and he will hear you. So instead of missing Jeff, start being happy that you found your mate and that you will always be together.

This morning my uncle passed away. Early afternoon as several relatives were siting watching tv in quiet reverence white noise came through the tv as if someone were talking on the tv for a few seconds. About a few minutes later another relative who lived across the street from my uncle called and was terrified because someone was banging real hard on her window but no one was there. Both these things happened at exactly the same time.

I realize this was his way to communicate that he was okay. I keep getting shivers in my house and I ask my mum if anyone has died here and she says no! But I wake up every night at the Same time as if someone is waking me! The only person who has died recently is my great nan but that was 2 years ago! But my mum had a misscarrage with twins! Would you say there is someone looking out for me and my house having a spirit trying to talk to me?

If so how can I talk to it and to get a reply from them? Barbara, it very well could be your dad saying hi! Does it happen at the same time, or is there a specific time on the clock when it does happen, such as the time of his death? My father died in June, and we were close, too. He does things like make the phone ring when I am crying really hard.

This has happened 4 or 5 times when I was grieving, and someone called me on the phone! On the day i bought my wedding dress, we were sitting down for dinner and all of a sudden our table grew very queit and i heard a woman accross the resteraunt say something about june eighteenth.

1. Get relaxed.

The day i got engaged was 18 days before my eighteenth birthday. I was born at 8: Hi, My boyfriend of the past 6 years altogether we were on and off for the past 21 years was killed 5 weeks ago in a farming accident at his friends house. We had been fighting so he had stayed at that friends house for a few days, then 2 days before the accident he asked me if he could come home and I was still mad and told him no.

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His mother, sister and many of our friends tell me how much they all have been dreaming of him, and I want with all my heart to have him come to me in my dreams. But since the accident I am having a extremely difficult time going to sleep. This last week I have maybe slept a total of 3 hours.

I just sit and talk to him and cry all night long. So I have had to resort to taking antianxiety pills and muscle relaxers so I can sleep. I desperatly need to know if he is alright and if he blames me for not letting him come home. I have been reading everything I can find on ways to communicate with the dead but have so far had no luck.

I need to have a conversation with him so I can get the answers I need. Does anyone have any suggestions? He has always been the love of my life and my true soul mate. I miss him so much it hurts physically not just emotionally. I am also afraid that since his was killed instantly, he may not understand what has happened. I am afraid he is just wandering around wondering why no one will respond to him.

If anyone could help me or give me some advice I would be eternally grateful. My mother passed almost 17 years ago from cancer. I have had several encounters of her in my dreams and familiar scent around me. I always wished that I was there for her. She comes in my dream randomly when I least expect it. Last night, I had a dream that she gave me a hug.

I woke-up with an overwhelming feeling. Other dreams is her telling me to tell my sister to be careful when she is alone. I like that she comes in my dream like she can predict the future. Now if she can only tell me how to become a millionaire. My mother died when my life just started to blossom, graduated from college with a new career and ready to start a family.

So when she left, I always ask her why she left when I needed her the most.

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I still wish that she is physically here. Hi Anna, I want to know how to communicate with spirit, recently my father passed away Feb I love my father very much. I desperately want to contact with him till end of my life. I want to see and listen him. Please provide me the contact detail of person who can help me to achieve this. Can I contact with Jack? Thanks for this article! Saturday night, I dreamt of my Great Aunt Luella who passed many years ago. During this part of the dream, everything was black, but it was so comforting and full of love even in the sadness.

So I looked it up, and sure enough, her birthday was Saturday. Now I feel like Luella was giving my grandma a birthday present by finding me, and I feel so very blessed! I hope she comes again; I miss her so very much! Anna, I have really enjoyed this site so much. Just having this site is a real blessing for me to not only share my experiences, but to learn from others experiences.

Thanks for providing this great forum! This is a bit of a late reply so the following advice might no longer be relevant but…have you consulted a medium before? That might give you the resolution you need, to know your boyfriend is OK and has crossed over. When a person comes to the end of their life, even if it was an accident that happened very quickly, they are greeted by angels and get every help possible to cross over. To everyone else who has commented on this article — thank you for sharing your experiences on here.

Although I wish I did. I am grateful for Jack who shares his experiences and insights on here too. I wrote a few months ago about my husband. Jack responded to my email. Thank you for that, Jack. Your words have helped me to get through many days. I am looking forward to meeting him in the afterlife, and I know I need to be here for his children and give them the life that he would have liked. A few weeks ago, a man was standing in my hallway. I felt as though I was being stared at very intensely. I was just sorting things in my bedroom.

When I looked I saw a male person, leaning against the wall. As I looked up towards his face, he disappeared. I did not get to see his face, but I think it may have been my husband. It startled me at first, until I realized it could be him. I have not seen him since. I wish that I could receive more obvious signs like you have had, Jack.

I would love that. I am still looking for a psychic to help me communicate with him. They are hard to find. Everything was left undone. I still need answers. It also means that you will be with him for eternity. Also try to imagine how frustrated it must be for him to be able to see and hear you but not be able to touch, feel, or be heard in the physical. I expressed that thought to Jim a week ago, and at that very moment, my computer hibernated and resumed itself while playing a movie. There are spam bots crawling these web pages looking for email addresses to spam.

I have no special ability to contact entities on the Other Side. I actually credit Jim more for our communication because it is his continuing presence, which he demonstrates on a regular basis, plus his willingness to participate that really make it possible. All I bring to the table are the time that I devote to communicating with him and my knowledge that such communication is possible.

12 Common SIGNS our Passed Loved Ones Send us

Jim likes to move things and play with switches, but I do not believe that all spirits will behave in the same way as he does. It really depends on their individual personalities, which are still the same as when they were alive physically. They also may have some reason for not wanting to communicate right now but may decide to do so at some point in the future.

The best course of action, I think, is just not to give up. But one thing I want to share all of you my father passed away in Feb Since from When I was in Engineering college he was always coming in my dream and there was always death of my father in dream but now after his death he is not coming in my dream and no single sign from him. I want to contact him, listen him, see him. I am very tense I want to meet my father and I also want he should take new Birth in my home want to contact such person who can listen him, see him. I know nothing is in my and his hand but still. My partner for thirteen years died two months ago.

He actually died in my arms when I heard his last sigh, while we were strolling along the park. The official death, however, was several days later in the hospital due to the machines, which kept his body functioning. Right after I heard the official hour of death from the social worker, on that official day, I went back to the place where he actually died in my arms, to honor him with bouquet of flowers and send him my undying love.

Something wonderful happened that day, a hummingbird actually watched me throughout my stay there. Deep inside me I knew that he had something to do with the hummingbird because he loved nature, especially birds. He was a bird watcher at one time. My dad passed away in february , and I am still mourning over his death. We were so close that it hurts me everyday to think about him. Yesterday I cried in the arms of my husband , I begged if I could just have 1 more minute with my dad , it would be so wonderful.

I knew it would be possible since he is no longer with us , so I wiped my tears and we proceeded with Easter day with family yesterday. I threw the remote on the floor to prove to my mom that I had nothing to do with touching anything , and as soon as I threw it on the floor , it started switching channel.. I got so scared , I started to scream! The minute my husband entered the room, all of it stopped!!

I have never been so scared in my life and mom the skeptic is my witness!! I believe my dad was sending me a message , letting me know that he is with me , and I believe he wanted me to know that! Shelly, that is so great!! My dad passed away in June I believe it was his way of telling my sister to stay out of it…What do you think? My Gram, who raised me, and is my best friend passed away in October.

I pray at night for her to still be watching over me, and to dream of her and remember it. Well, a couple of weeks ago, I was sleeping, and at about 4: I sat straight up in bed, and then remembered I was dreaming of my Gram and I standing in our kitchen, in front of her stove, just hugging and holding each other, and telling each other how much we love and miss each other!

It was so comforting when I woke up, like she had just been there! So, I got my prayer answered, because she called and woke me up, so I would remember, just like I asked. Well, yesterday I came home from work, and went upstairs and sat down on the bed. I keep our picture in a frame next to the bed, and each morning, I say good morning Gram and and I love you and look at the picture. When I came home, the picture was turned the exact opposite way! Was that a sign? Also, then the memory card I have had laying stright up for months next to her picture, had fallen down, that same night! I have also had flickering lights in the dining room most times I turn them on.

I do talk to her all the time, and actually hear her in my head at times too. I miss her so much! My Mom gets scared and says I am messing with things that are not good, but I am doing nothing except praying to God. Please give me your thoughts. Melissa, based on my extensive experience communicating with my soul-buddy Jim, who signs me a couple a times a week, latest sign just yesterday, you are NOT crazy and you are doing exactly what you SHOULD be doing. The things that have been happening there are typical. Hi Shelly, Thanks really I am Waiting for that day when my father will communicate with me.

Very thanks for hopes. Four yrs ago me and my family had to deal with our house being haunted. It was a very unerving experience We managed to find a Medium who help us remove the unwanted spirit from our home. The Medium told us that it was me the spirit had attached itself to.

Since then I have had a number of young women appearing to me during sleep none have been threatning some have called me by name. I normally do not believe in this stuff, but recently I had something happen that I cannot explain. My father recently passed away suddenly from an aneurysm.

I tried to get home, as at the time he felt ill, and my family was unsure what was going on I lived 5 hours away , but I could not make it in time. My father and I liked to scratch off lottery tickets, when I would come home to visit, he liked doing that, and I always bought a bunch whenever I would come home. When he died, after I came home from the hospital, I took the dime that he used to scratch the tickets, and I taped it up with black electrical tape so as to not mistake it for another dime , and kept it as a symbol of him, and to use anytime I would scratch off tickets, which I planned to do occassionally as my way of honoring the memory of spending time with him.

As I was about to leave I couldnt find the dime, and after looking everywhere, I found it stuck in my money roll. Fast forward to about 2 weeks later. I am back at my home in NJ, and I am scratching tickets off with my girlfriend. I put the dime in its smooth black tape , right on a book I had on the table. We got up from the table to do something. About a half hour later, I looked at the table and the dime was gone.

I asked my girlfriend if she saw it, and she said it was right on the table. Knowing how much that dime meant to me, we ripped the house apart searching for this dime, and it was never found. Now it is a month later. I am an eye doctor and I use the same exam room daily, so I know whats in it like the back of my hand.

One Saturday, I arrive at work, walk back to my exam room, happen to look down at the floor before even turning the light on, and what do I immediately see? It is the dime in the smooth black electrical tape. This just shows up a month later in a spot where I could not come up with any possible explanation how it got there. I tried and tried to find a logical reason, and I cant. There may as well be one, but I tend to want to believe that it was my father letting me know that he is ok, and laughing at my dumb ass, since I never got to say goodbye.

Your father put it there, no doubt about it. I would also say to expect more movements, and the reason I say that is because he will want to remove the doubt you now have in your mind and verify that it was indeed he who moved the dime. This kind of stuff happens to me all the time. I hope that someday I could see or communicate with my deceased brother in law.

He died in his sleep. All I do is cry, I am not sure if this was a sign from him or just a coincidence. Last week I asked him for some sort of sign to let me know that he is ok and that he really loved me. Does anyone think that was a sign from him? I can assure you it is a sign from him. It was meant just for you, and if you keep looking you will see other signs, too. I believe our relationship with someone that passes on does not end, it simply changes.

The Gift of Presence: How to Sense a Deceased Loved One When They Visit — Amanda Linette Meder

I hope time helps you through this tough trial. That was definitely, absolutely, and positively a sign from him. Thank you Susie and Jack for your response. I do have a question and please I am not here to be judged, just need some re-assurance. He had a family and I am wondering if its possioble for him to give me signs as well as his family. We were together for 8 years and I love him with all of ny heart.

But as far as him giving signs to his family, my gut feeling is that would all depend on whatever efforts they put forth in trying to communicate with him. So if there is one person in his family who he was particularly close to, and if that person makes an effort to communicate with him, such as speaking with him in earnest and asking for a sign, then it might happen.

I just feel that the bond between the deceased and the living has to be very strong for communication to take place. Signs are something they would have to be open to, like you are. If they are open to it, they will see them. My sisters also get the signs. Their bond is very special, as they were married for 59 years, but he adored us girls, so he comes to us, too because he knows which of us are open to it.

The signs for the family will just be different. Dana, the night before my father died at Incidentally, you can ask him for signs, but you should also look for them, too. If your relationship is as close as it sounds, most definitely he will want you to know he made it there okay. I hope that time heals your sadness, Dana. I was just reading what you wrote to Dana where you told her to look for signs. One of my girlfriends told me to stop looking for signs and if they are going to happen they will.

This morning I googled my boyfriends name he passed 3 weeks ago and there was an article about his passing with the organization he belonged to and there was also a picture of him looking back over his shoulder smiling. I took that as another sign from him to let me know he is ok and is happy.

Am I looking into things? He has given me signs before through music. Before you go to sleep, ask for a sign. You might get it in a dream, but more likely you will get it through music,or in other ways within a few days. Your Google search of his name, etc. Please keep us updated if you get more signs from him. Thank you for asking for my input. I loved him so much. He posted poems on his website. I could not understand them. I really have to communicate with him. Please e-mail me if u can so that i can give u his url.

This is his website address. Its one month ago today that I lost the love of my life. He is on my mind every waking minute od the day, yet I dont dream about him. Yesterday, I spoke to a friend that i hav3 not seen in age. I dream about her last night, why? Katie, if you were only 6 when your father passed, it might be hard for you to recognize signs from him.

You could talk to people in the family who knew him well, and see if they get any signs from him, so you can look for the same type of thing. Good luck to you. I would like to confirm something that Susie said on June 2 regarding signs, and it is that one must ASK for a signs in order to get one. The logic is quite simple: Unless the deceased knows that the living will be expecting a sign, what assurance do they have that their sign will not be interpreted as just a malfunctioning TV or light switch?

So I agree with Susie that no sign will occur unless you ask for one. For 3 years I have been engaged in a spirited dialog with a deceased buddy of mine named Jim, who in that time has left at least 4 or 5 dozen signs. My house is now a showcase of his signs all over the place, things he moved into bizarre locations, it amazes everyone. But almost every one of those signs occurred in response to something I said or asked about.

Jim never leaves a sign just for the heck of it. So if you truly want to communicate with your loved one, please ask him or her for a sign. Otherwise, it is unlikely that anything will happen. Jack, thanks for your great explanation! You must ask for those signs. I had one 2 days ago. Inside the bag with the game was the headset I had been looking for! It will happen, but you have to ask just like you would if they were here and it is so worth it, too! A couple days after her death I had a dream she was back home and she was completley fine, but then she turned into a zombie.

I believe that was just because the morgue was taking forever to cremate her. She died of a liver disease that starts with an H and sounds weird, she also died of chronic pancreatitis. She was in so much pain the last few years. Could her being in my dreams and being completly fine be her way of letting me know that shes okay?

Susie, thanks for the support. Finally, I find someone who is on the same page! Okay, then say it now! Your rapid-fire response from your dad on the headset proves it, just as Jim proves it to me all the time. Thanks for giving me the chance to get that out. She was 78 when she passed and has major spinal surgery at 75 and was in and out of hospital with a few other things but she always kept going with a smile and then 1 morning she passed away.

I have had dreams of her but I cant quite think if they were possibly her trying to contact me? Is it at all possible to get signs or feelings from wildlife? I know it sounds odd but birds generally fly off when in close proximity to jumans and as i was walking back from visiting my nans grave a bird in the hedgerow just looked at me and didnt fly off…. My mom just died in 9 days after her birthday. Hello, I lost my beautiful mother 9 months, 6 days ago and today 2: I receive signs from my mother all the time. It was my mother. Especially, signing birds in the middle of the night, some warning signs, some caution signs but most definetly birds.

I have this heart warming feeling knowing that mom and I have a way to communicate in some sorts. I just wished I spoke bird talk. I am witness to energectic force communication such as lights flickering, light bulbs exploding only when unwanted boyfriend enters room with me hehe, lol. I never asked my mother for money even though I needed it, but mom knew obviously knew when I needed it, cuz there her hand was handing it out.

My friend Arianna died 4 years ago. We grew up together. I am 15 now. She died because she got hit by a car going 50 mph. On Thursday I broke down in tears because of how much I missed her. I never really talk about this to anyone though. On Friday night, I had a terrible dream about her. In the dream, Everything played over exactly how she died. After, we were looking through pictures and old videos of her. She was always very religious and always talked about god. She was 7 years old when she died. This dream felt so real and it scared me.

Anyways, on Thursday night, I recently got news that one of the neibor girls died because of getting hit by a car. The same night I felt really awful about ariannas death. Like I said, I never really talk about her or really think about her because it hurts. Was this Ariannas way of warning me about something? Was a spirit trying to contact me at all? My 21 years old nefew died four years ago at this young age because of drugs.

Ever since my sister has ceased to answer my phone calls, and even my emails. She is distraught and she has accused me that I mentioned the name of John Edward as a possible medium. How can I find something to tell her, from beyond, to assure her that her son is not entirely dead over there? Can somebody help me? She used to be a believer, a Christian, but she has lost her belief in any god. My boyfriend died 8 months ago, when he was alive he would bring some of his favorite things to eat or drink and put it in my fridge. Just when I completed the task of cleaning out the fridge and I stood up a light that i did not turn on in the living room was on.

I wonder if he was mad at me for throwing all of his items out. Marilyn, I doubt that your boyfriend was mad at you. If anything, he is probably happy that you have begun to let some things go. In the very same bag, I found the headset. Take it and get some use out of it. There are no bad signs. They live in a world full of love, so any contact with the living is positive and meant to be helpful. There is no hatred, no revenge, no resentment. Material possessions become meaningless the minute we leave this world, and so he only cares about you, not his things. Our company recently signed on a year old Estate of a very famous composer.

An astrologer had told me a few years ago that I had a strong male spirit guide. At the time, when I asked who that might be, I was told that the person was famous but had never been recognized as such. This year I met the heir to the Estate in a very unusual manner, the families intuit said that I was the one that the composer would speak through.

I am uncomfortable with speaking to the deceased, as what the instruction given us by them to be followed, is often times totally misleading. Although, this composer has given me instruction to follow in order to get his name and his legacy respected in the society as it should be. The heir who is his daughter helps me figure out what the hell he is telling me to do on his behalf. This instruction, has to do with bringing attention to his Estate and his year old volume of work.

I am frustrated has our company has taken on a client based on some sort of guide direction. Each move that this composer has had me make on his behalf in this world, has been on point but no money. I am desperately trying to figure out how to get a society such as ours, with its limitations and various prejudices to now recognize someone whose music is not only advanced and current but to get people to buy it.

This is very frustrating as this is a way that w make our money, although it is directed by a deceased spirit? I wonder if sometimes I am jumping to conclusions when I think that when something happens that its a sign from my boyfriemd. He passed away suddenly 7 weeks ago and I have gotten a few signs from him but I am questioning what happened this morning.

I was laying in bed talking out loud to him sauying I love you Paul and I always will, my life will never be the same without you in it and I wonder if it was me that passed would you feel the same? I would appreciate honest opinions please. My boyfriend passed away 7 weeks ago. I have been getting some signs from him which I know for a fact they were not coincedences. This morning I am not sure if it was a sign or if I am just jumping to conclusions. As I was laying in bed awake I spoke out loud to him and told him that I love him and my life will never ever be the same without him in it and I said I wonder if it was me that passed if you would cry for me every day and feel the sorrow that I am feeling.

What are the chances that that was a sign for him or am I just grasping at straws now hoping for signs? My ex who passed away several years a go comes by once in a while just as I am waking and tells me I will always be his Princess and sweetheart and the he will be there when I pass at first it was a bit unnerving but now I have come to like it…. My partner recently died we still dnt know what happened but it was sudden and a complete shock. I never got to meet my biological father. My mother divorced him when I was 2. I have few memories of him. My brother got to meet him when he my brother was stationed near him after he came back from Viet Nam.

Once he tried to find me but I was at the movies and missed him. I got his address and wrote him three long letters when I was For years I kept a picture of him holding me when I was a baby on my dresser. I am now Many times I have tried to find him over the years by searching for him on the internet, but no luck.

I am now 60 and today when searching my family history I know very little I found out he died 23 years ago. I want to try to reach him. Where can I start? In the past I had pyschic abilities but I have surpressed them and they are not as strong as they once were. My boyfriend passed away a year ago from cancer. I sometimes have doubts about moving on and I talk to the deceased bf at the gravesite.

I ask him to please guide me in what to do with the new guy. He was a very unselfish person. I live alone now, in a place he never had been. My life is very different now, and that bothers me. In my new place, a candle holder keeps moving. I fix it, and a few weeks later I notice it has moved again.

I guess I want to know could this be a sign from him? And how do I interpret signs now that I am open to them? I told his bestfriend about these dream and he swore on his life that he has had exactly the same dream. I lost my fiancee this past February of a massive heart attack. Since his death he has communicated with me through all sorts of electrical lights, phones, fans, tvs and the smell of cigarette smoke in my home.

It is still very devasting and hard to understand that physically Michael is no longer with me but I became concerned that because I miss him so much I may be keeping him from his growth to move foward in the spiritual plane. I do not want this to be the case. I love him deeply and miss him beyond words and I hear him telling me to move foward in my life here without him and that he will always still be with me. My question to you and my concern is if you miss someone so much because of the love you have for them am I preventng Michael from moving foward.

I do not want to do that at all, I want him to grow in the light and love that he is in now but I am worried that by me missing him so much and asking why he left me over and over could prevent him from doing so. We had such a special bond and love that I do not want to hurt him or prevent him from his growth and studies now,.

My daughter of 5 months died of SIDS in We decided that the butterfly would be our way to include her physically in our daily lives. Anytime we talk about or visit her grave, butterflies show up. I know its her way of letting us know she is there because most times these butterflies will either land on us or very close to us or even just keep flying around our heads.

ANY time I am driving or around a radio and I am thinking of her or telling her story, the song comes on. Those are just a couple instances. There are many more. After reading this article, I told her to go fulfil her destiny. I pray she heard me and as much as I loved seeing signs that she was with me, I hope to never see them again if that is what is best for her.

The comment from Jennifer was not only beautiful but it made me cry because of how it touched me so deeply. I did not intend anyone to interpret their grief as being selfish and when someone you love crosses over we the ones left behind suffer the most because we have so many questions left unanswered and our love is forever a bond than cannot be broken.

My selfishness in asking over and over why did you leave me is. The signs that we will continue to receive are not us holding them back it is our loved ones helping us understand that they are still with us and always will be and they too are trying to comfort us and ease our pain as we are left behind in the moment until we meet again. I am so sure now that your little girl and Michael can peacefully move on to their destiny but, I am also sure that they will always be with us and remind us from time to time they are still right by our side.

On April 5, my mother passed away from cancer. This was 5 months to the day following surgery for cancer that she passed away. On the morning of April 5 I received a call from my dad saying that mom took a turn for the worst at approximately 6: He said that it was only a matter of time before she left us. They were on Vancouver Island in the hospital in Nanaimo B. I immediately shot out of bed and got ready to travel to the B.

Ferry trying to get to my mom before she moved on. I arrived at She was in a heavy sleep and did not move. Her bowels had ruptured and she was septic and slowly dying of poison. She was too week for surgery. I was so shocked to see her in this way. As time went on and friends and family were coming into her room to say their good byes, I sat with her every moment I had.

I held her hand and reminisced about our life together. I kept telling her to rest but I could no tell her that is was ok to leave us. She was asleep the whole time I did this but I kept on talking to her. Rhonda and I had been friends since childhood and my mother adored her. We both stood beside mom. Rhonda was holding her hand and I was rubbing her hair back off of her forehead. I told her that we would all look after our dad and that her time to leave her pain and suffering behind was now.

She opened her eyes and turned her head towards me and she looked me straight in the eyes. Rhonda ran to grab the family and I started to speak to mom. I thought she had woken up from her drug induced coma. We looked at each other for about 10 seconds and then I saw the life leave her eyes and she was gone. I was shocked and scared and sad. Then I felt blessed that she chose to leave this physical plane and move on while in my presence.

It was her final gift to me. By the time that everyone ran into her room, she was gone. She left our physical plane at 3: She always new that I was a very spiritual person and she gave Rhonda and I one more amazing experience to share in life. I miss her terribly but I do see her in my dreams from time to time and I feel her with me on some days. I have always had the pleasure of being able to visit with my loved ones past, in my dreams. I will share my dreams in another post because they are truly amazing and I just love to share my spiritual experiences with those who appreciate it.

In my experience, a soul can be off in the afterlife, on the next stage of their evolution and at the same time they can be with us in spirit, in a flash. In the afterlife, you can be in more than one place at once. And that is the choice of the soul. When a soul does choose to keep a part of themselves with us for a while, especially after death, it is probably a testament perhaps to the depth of the relationship and love.

Like a past life regression, except regressing the person to between their physical incarnations on Earth. Yet the souls are still able to be in the spirit world at the same time to greet their loved ones after their death. What I am saying is that the soul, unlike the body, can be in multiple places at once. It may have a major assignment doing something in particular like an incarnation, or something in the afterlife , but it can still be in other places. Both are sold on Amazon. Erin, I lost my sister to cancer and it was expected, and lost my father to a sudden heart attack on June 6, To me, the manner of passing has a lot to do with the type of grief you are experiencing.

As it has been nearly a year for you, hopefully some of these images will become less vivid. When you start to see those images that make you upset,turn your thoughts to a different direction. You have a lot to go through here, and the healing process will happen with time; I watched my own parents suffer the loss of a child and it is very different. However, if you do not feel as if you are able to carry on, it may be best to consult a grief therapist or get an antidepressant. I know that when a child dies it is totally different, but it sounds as if you did whatever you could at the time and should have no regrets.

Thank you so much for your kind words, inspiration and explaining a lot more to me to understand what I so much want to comphrehend in total. All of these books have been small steps to helping me heal and understand so I sincerely appreciate any further books you can recommend as well and Jack was right it was extremely well said. I struggle everyday with answers as to why this had to be as I am sure you continue to do so but, as hard as it may feel in your heart you must find the strength within yourself to know that your little girl does not want to see you continue with such pain in this way.

Your children find the funny things and happy times to bring them joy in keeping her memory and their love for her always with them so in a sense your children are showing you ways in helping you to cope and find peace within yourself so you can heal little by little. If your dream is frightening or makes you feel bad, this is not a spirit visitation dream. This is your subconscious, worries and concerns coming through. Our loved ones are always loving and positive, much the same as they were when living, but more so now that they are in the spirit world as now they have no worries or concerns, have or are going through healing, and will shine with love.

If for some reason you do feel a negative spirit coming through for whatever reason, all you need to do is ask Archangel Michael to protect you and for him to only allow spirit of the light to come through with positive messages for you. Number patterns are also very commonly shown to us by spirit and Angels.

You will see the same numbers over and over until you get the message! Spirit love to give numbers that hold some significance such as birth dates, anniversaries, and other significant event dates. You may relate a number sequence to a date a particular person had passed — they are letting YOU know they are with you! Repeating numbers such as ,, , etc. This is also a very common way to receive messages from the Angels with each number having a significant meaning of guidance for you based on timeless and accurate numerology.

It is very common for spirit to use objects like feathers, coins, stones, and other small objects that may have some significance to either you or the spirit. Spirit like to place things in your path to let you know they are around. Some spirits move objects to get your attention. Does the same photograph keep falling? Spirit LOVE to play with electricity. After all… we are ALL energy!

After Death Communications: How to Encourage Signs From Loved Ones In Spirit

Energy runs through ALL things! It is actually quite common for passed loved ones to learn how use these things to get your attention! This is a more advanced skill, so not all spirits are able to do this. If unusual things like this happen to you, it might be that someone is trying to tell you something besides the obvious message of getting your appliances checked too of course! Some signs can be a little more intense than others which can tend to scare people. If you do get scared by any of these occurrences, all you need to do is talk to them and ask them to tone it down or show you something different — choose another sign to use!

Have you ever had a high pitch noise in one or both of your ears that has just come out of nowhere? It is, quite different to that. I will point out here that there is a medical condition that is described similar to this and perhaps something you may want to get checked too. However, we are talking on a spirit level. What does this mean? Spirit run at a much higher frequency than we do hence the high pitched noise in our ears.

You can ask them to turn it down or up. How do you know what they are saying… well… you can get it in several ways. Perhaps we can work on that with them in future. Synchronicity is experiencing two or more events that are unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced by occurring together in a meaningful way. Perhaps you have been recommended to read the same book by several different people.

Receiving a symbolic message, sign, coincidence or synchronicity — Synchronicities can be a sign of confirmation, of thoughts — of messages a sign spirits are watching over you! Think of the familiar smells you associate with your loved one. Songs are a great way for spirit to trigger memories for you. Spirits love to play songs to deliver messages to you. Or perhaps you turn on the radio and you hear a song that instantly reminds you of a passed loved one.

Often, song signs are played several different times in several different places, but not always. We know they are around when their favourite song come on at the right time with the exact words we need to hear. You might notice a shift when spiritis around you. It could be a change in energy, a feeling, suddenly experiencing a difference in temperature, brush of cold air when all doors and windows areclosed or actual movement.

Perhaps you might feel like someone is sitting next to you.